Monetary Donations
Tails to Freedom, Inc. is a charitable 501(c)(3) organization and your donation is tax deductible. Click here to see our active registration status information on the State of New Hampshire Department of State website.
To make an online donation using your credit or debit card, or your PayPal account, please use the links below. We use PayPal to accept online donations.
To make a one time donation in the amount of your choosing, click the Donate button below. During the transaction you will be asked to tell us the purpose of your donation. Please let us know so we can apply your funds as you intend.
To make a monthly recurring donation, select an amount from the drop down menu and then click the Subscribe button below.
You may cancel your monthly recurring donation at any time by clicking the Unsubscribe button below.

You may also send a check, made payable to Tails To Freedom, Inc., to:
Tails to Freedom, Inc.
89 State Route 101A
Suite 5
Amherst, NH 03031
Donate from Your IRAs
If you are 70½ and have Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) from the IRS you may be able donate up to $100,000 of your RMDs income tax free.
If you are interested in these financial donating strategies please call talk to your tax adviser or our volunteer Anthony McMullen with Wood Associates, Inc. at (603) 889-1010.
Lucky Dog Thrift Shop
Donate your gently used clothing and accessories, electronics, furniture, housewares, etc. to the Lucky Dog Thrift Shop. For more information please click here to visit our website.
We have a volunteer program at Lucky Dog Thrift Shop, more information is available by clicking here.
Click to Donate
The following organizations make small donations to Tails to Freedom, Inc. every time you use them.
Shop online at
Go to, click the "Choose your cause." link just to the left of the Web Search button, type in "Tails to Freedom", then click "verify" and start your search. Tails to Freedom will automatically appear every time you search using GoodSearch.
Also, shop online at and enter Tails to Freedom as your charity and that too will generate money for our cause.